Christian Distinctiveness
Thurnham Church of England Infant School is a caring Christian community where everybody is valued and encouraged to flourish.
Nurtured We Thrive
Jesus said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
Matthew, 13: 31-32 New International Version
At Thurnham Church of England Infant School we draw inspiration from the parable of the mustard seed; a tiny seed that grows into a mighty tree, illustrating the potential within us all to thrive. We believe that by nurturing this power we can create a caring Christian community. By acting with compassion and forgiveness, we empower each of us to set a positive example to others. We value everyone’s voice and their responsibility to use it for positive change and social justice.
There is much debate about what kind of seed the parable refers to, but it is believed that the plant was quick-growing and provided shelter for many birds. In the same way, Jesus' mission attracted outsiders and outcasts. Everyone was welcome and had a place within it. For us at Thurnham, this symbolises the inclusivity of our school, a school where all pupils are welcome and the ‘right soil and growing conditions’ will lead to growth and flourishing for all. Academic excellence reflects the pursuit of one's God-given talents, while character development resonates with teachings about moral virtues and ethical behaviour.
Our school values of compassion, responsibility, justice and forgiveness align with theological principles. Nelson Mandela's quote, “Knowledge is power, but it is the development of character that determines an ability to use it widely,” highlights the importance of combining intellectual growth with moral development. This is in harmony with Christian teachings that emphasise the development of moral virtues and ethical behaviour.
Our Christian vision: Nurtured We Thrive and school Christian values underpin our approach to learning and our curriculum:
Compassion - love in action
Responsibility - doing the things we are supposed to do
Justice - fairness
Forgiveness - letting go of negative feelings, e.g. anger or blame.
Church and Parish Council